House of Style Stories

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Dressing the Turkey

Happy Thanksgiving!  I am thankful for stuffing otherwise known as dressing, giving thanks with family, and the start of Black Friday shopping.  I'm already stalking Amazon for its best deals.  However, Thanksgiving dinner needs some serious preparation.  My favorite part?  The dressing, or stuffing which I will be telling you all about this week.  This weeks style story is brought to you by a gobble gobble...


A Dressed Turkey!

 The term stuffing first appears in English print in 1538. After 1880, the term stuffing was not as appealing to some classes and began calling it dressing.   Today, the terms stuffing and dressing are used interchangeably.

Today we are talking turkey folks, there is nothing like a dressed turkey on Thanksgiving.



Turkey stuffing often consists of dried bread, in the form of croutons or cubes, with onion, celery, salt, pepper, and other spices and herbs such as summer savoury, sage, or a mixture like poultry seasoning. Giblets are often used.


It is not known when stuffings were first used. The earliest documentary evidence is the Roman cookbook, Apicius De Re Coquinaria, which contains recipes for stuffed chicken, dormouse, hare, and pig. Most of the stuffings described consisted of vegetables, herbs and spices, nuts, and frequently contain chopped liver.

Dressing or stuffing either way the turkey looks much better dressed, don't you agree?



Happy Thanksgiving!