For my first child, a diaper bag was a very important purchase because it had to be just right. After long debate and nearly purchasing a designer diaper bag with a hefty price tag (I guess this is what happens when you are fashion obsessed), I settled for a diaper bag from Saks Fifth Ave. After two years, I had no future use for it and eventually donated it. Not to mention, my husband had his own “Dude Diaper Bag”. For my second, I was a lot more thrifty and decided to get creative. I stopped into a TUMI store and the a salesperson demonstrated this backpack which came highly recommended. I have to say, hands down the BEST investment. There are what seems like a million hidden pockets that fit everything you could possibly need. My husband easily carries around as it is unisex. I didn’t hesitate with the price because it comes with a 20 year warranty. We have made several doctors appointments, zoo trips, flown (there’s a slit for suitcase), and play dates. As my children grow older, this will be used for more adventures and less diapers. Consider a TUMI- you won’t be sorry! Where to buy: Any TUMI store our Outlet, online: