House of Style Stories

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The Shapes of Scarves

When we have a dilemma such as, too many scarves to wear and only one neck.  What do we do?  We narrow down our choices and select our best option, of course!  I told you about the history of a scarf but I would like to help you chose!  The best way to select a scarf is by its shape.  The most classic shapes are the oblong and square.  However, infinity scarves are slowly becoming a staple and rightfully so because they are effortless and gorgeous to boot!  I'd like to tell you about these shapes to and share the stories behind their style. The Square Scarf

The "square" is a little more traditional in style and has the reputation as an old lady scarf, but fear not it's a little more modernized. 

   Designers such as Alexander McQueen have brought back the square with an edge, skulls that is.  The square also makes the best head scarf and create more design appeal when folded on it's bias.  You can also flip the design and wear as a triangle with the design covering your neckline.  This can be such a great accessory becuase it actually appears as a fancy blouse underneath.

Did you know that the Roman Catholic Church required women to wear a veil over their hair in church until the 1960s?  This style of scarf was called a mantilla, which has Spanish roots. Women meeting the Pope in formal audiences are still expected to wear a mantilla.

The Oblong Scarf

The "oblong" seems to be the least familiar term we use but it is the most recognized scarf.  In the industry, oblong refers to a scarf shaped like a rectangle and typically hangs to your waist as pictured below.  

The Oblong came about after the square but quickly gained popularity.  The oblong is typically  worn wrapped a few times around the neck.  This style of scarf is designed as a work of art to express personal style or pay tribute to your favorite designers.

The Infinty Scarf  The infinity has evolved into an edgy and modern accessory that seems to hold its place in the world of accessories.  Called the infinity, like the symbol and feels like it never ends. 


The best part of this style is that it can offer many variations in one little scarf.  The best part?  It doesn't fall off because it's sewn together.  


Whether square, oblong, or infinity are your scarf of choice, they are all timeless accessories.  They are perfect if you are in a pair of jeans, a suit, or an evening gown.  Never going out of style, but rather evolving with current trends.  A scarf is served best with a little shape and a spice of your style.